# RPG Update / Tortilla Recipe
*Entered: in vim on Nokia n810* |
*Date: 20200522*

## RPG Update

I have been toying with solo RPG record keeping methods. I mean,
why not? The job market has tanked and I have the time...

I have AD&D Assistant on my Treo 90 and Alphasmart Dana. I took the
time to enter the four characters I have made so far for my
Spellscape Campaign. Yet, I really just want pencil and paper!

I have a love of soft cover 3x5" Moleskine notebooks. I think for
gaming, since I will map in the graph paper book I made, I want
plain, unlined paper for this notebook. I'll come up with a
character sheet format I like and write them in the Moleskine.

## Primitive Cooking Update / Tortilla Recipe

As I mentioned on Mastodon, I have been researching primitive
cooking. I plan on procuring some beef kidney fat to render for
making pemmican. I still haven't made it to the store (don't need
to yet), but it'll happen.

I did make another batch of soy-free tortillas today. Here is the

* 3 cups flour
* 1 tea spoon salt
* 1 tea spoon baking powder

put these dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix by hand

* 1/2 cup lard

add the lard to the bowl and mix by hand, getting clumpy doughy clods

* 1 cup boiling water

pour the boiling water in the bowl and mix with a fork till it is
cool enough for your hand, this melts the lard.

knead the dough for 10 minutes

make 9 to 12 balls of dough depending upon desired tortilla size
put these balls in the large bowl you used earlier and cover it
with a damp towel.
let sit for 10 minutes
get a pan nice and hot
roll out the balls into tortilla shapes
cook them till they look like finished tortillas

## What Now?

Cook 1/2 lb sausage, 6 eggs, hand full of mozzarella cheese, some
pepper and minced onion. It'll make 3 or 4 burritos depending upon
appetite. Add jalapenos if you would like a kick.