# Doom and Gloom

*Entered: in vim on Nokia N810* |
*Date: 20200130*

The job market in my neck of Wyoming has turned to utter shit. Many
companies that were the major employers here have shut up shop and
left. There are hundreds of people now looking for work and every job
posting on the state website gets a very high response. Competition
is intense. I am currently looking at commuting to North Dakota for
work if the jobs I have interviewed for do not select me (I already
have an offer in ND). This is demoralizing. This area was flying high
for years and years. Now it looks very much like the bust in the

At that time, my town looked very much like a ghost town. The housing
market is already flooded with people looking to move. This is
another reason I am trying like hell to find something local - I
don't want to lose the money I have wrapped up in my house. I had
four doom and gloom conversations in a row down at the workforce
services office this afternoon. I kept bumping in to people I know.
Good people that are in the same boat as me.